Thomas Ramdhan was born in the artist family. Thomas's biological father was a violinist. And from his stepfather Thomas learned a lot about the basics of bass playing techniques which happened to be a bass player. And Thomas often joined his father at his father's band show. Near the stage he diligently consider his father's band in action is.
In his childhood Thomas had aspired to become an architect.
Thomas the ardent desire to have its own bass beat college entrance exam that should be followed. Sipenmaru''The first day, I did not participate, but buy a bass,''he recalled. He uses the money should go to college.
Gone Sipenmaru - an opportunity which, when it was, so hunted by those who recently graduated 'from high school. "Imagine, ditantangin same college band, which at that time [I'm] more industrious-getolnya,''he said anyway
He was then able to penetrate Sipenmaru, on the next occasion, and received in the Department of Japanese Literature, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung.
But enthusiasm for the band - playing bass - already can not be met by anything. A selection of the latter makes it one of the best bass players in here.
Thomas initially more familiar with the guitar. He studied the most popular instrument since the third grade elementary school in Bandung. First she learned from her sister, but then take classical guitar lessons. Entered junior high school, and began an active band, she dabbled in playing bass. He was increasingly preoccupied with the new instrument was in high school, and starting to like skipping school (''Time-stubbornly recalcitrant high school again, tuh,''he said). He is familiar with the songs of Level 42, Uzeb, Deep Purple, Rush, Saga, and many asked to play everywhere.
After playing everywhere, Thomas increasingly confident in his choice. Thinkers''Finally I found it fun to play bass. Previously [I] nganggap normal, cuman tone one on one so ... But there was something else,''said born in Bandung, March 5, 1967, this.
For Thomas, the bass is the instrument that determines its position and has two functions, namely rhythm and melody. Unlike a drum, for example, which only serves as a rhythm only. He saw the bass could be a leader of other instruments.
''For example if the guitar chords Em, Em bass E yes. But if the bass Em C it's not anymore. Guitar chords Em, bass if I moved, but overall not so Cmaj7 Em again ... But that does not mean that other instruments do not mean anything. Each must have its own privileges,''said the owner of G & L bass this brand.
Bass also took him to Jakarta. The story, when guitarist Michael Jackson to Indonesia, Thomas invited Baron, ngebandnya friend, who became a guide, to watch - even to the back stage. There he met and became acquainted with several musicians who are also watching. They, among others, is the Pay, Bongky, Ronald, and Anang. He invited them to watch the show in Bandung. And they, after fulfilling the invitation, and then offered to move to Jakarta.
It was around 1991. He was reckless, not knowing what to do. He first landed''''at the headquarters Slank, Gang pencil. Pencil''fun place. The atmosphere and environment was really good for a band,''said Erwin Gutawa fans, Yance Manusama, Donny Fattah, Billy Sheehan, Jaco Pastorius and this. In 1994 he co-founded TEETH.
Apart from DENTAL, Thomas seemed to disappear. Later, after briefly appeared at several events, starting out he was busy with his new group, the Center, in addition to being a guest performer (additional player) in Ahmad Band. Together with colleagues at the Center he was collecting and working on new songs, with a completely different concept from GIGI. Many experiments, with the support of computerized equipment. According to Thomas, shades of techno and ska are felt there.
Still with electronic sounds, Thomas was eager to make an opera. ''The music is orchestral, but with electronic sound, not with so many string players, for example. So, I'll play bass, but with synthesizers,''he said.
He was dreaming the city where he has served his childhood, Majalaya. Once, there, a lot of factories around the house. He remembered how the sounds of the engine factory, and he mengibaratkannya as a musical rhythm with a beat that's fun. Opera''recounts the industrial atmosphere filled with the sound of machinery, even until the building collapsed and so forth,''he said.
Gone Sipenmaru - an opportunity which, when it was, so hunted by those who recently graduated 'from high school. "Imagine, ditantangin same college band, which at that time [I'm] more industrious-getolnya,''he said anyway
He was then able to penetrate Sipenmaru, on the next occasion, and received in the Department of Japanese Literature, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung.
But enthusiasm for the band - playing bass - already can not be met by anything. A selection of the latter makes it one of the best bass players in here.
Thomas initially more familiar with the guitar. He studied the most popular instrument since the third grade elementary school in Bandung. First she learned from her sister, but then take classical guitar lessons. Entered junior high school, and began an active band, she dabbled in playing bass. He was increasingly preoccupied with the new instrument was in high school, and starting to like skipping school (''Time-stubbornly recalcitrant high school again, tuh,''he said). He is familiar with the songs of Level 42, Uzeb, Deep Purple, Rush, Saga, and many asked to play everywhere.
After playing everywhere, Thomas increasingly confident in his choice. Thinkers''Finally I found it fun to play bass. Previously [I] nganggap normal, cuman tone one on one so ... But there was something else,''said born in Bandung, March 5, 1967, this.
For Thomas, the bass is the instrument that determines its position and has two functions, namely rhythm and melody. Unlike a drum, for example, which only serves as a rhythm only. He saw the bass could be a leader of other instruments.
''For example if the guitar chords Em, Em bass E yes. But if the bass Em C it's not anymore. Guitar chords Em, bass if I moved, but overall not so Cmaj7 Em again ... But that does not mean that other instruments do not mean anything. Each must have its own privileges,''said the owner of G & L bass this brand.
Bass also took him to Jakarta. The story, when guitarist Michael Jackson to Indonesia, Thomas invited Baron, ngebandnya friend, who became a guide, to watch - even to the back stage. There he met and became acquainted with several musicians who are also watching. They, among others, is the Pay, Bongky, Ronald, and Anang. He invited them to watch the show in Bandung. And they, after fulfilling the invitation, and then offered to move to Jakarta.
It was around 1991. He was reckless, not knowing what to do. He first landed''''at the headquarters Slank, Gang pencil. Pencil''fun place. The atmosphere and environment was really good for a band,''said Erwin Gutawa fans, Yance Manusama, Donny Fattah, Billy Sheehan, Jaco Pastorius and this. In 1994 he co-founded TEETH.
Apart from DENTAL, Thomas seemed to disappear. Later, after briefly appeared at several events, starting out he was busy with his new group, the Center, in addition to being a guest performer (additional player) in Ahmad Band. Together with colleagues at the Center he was collecting and working on new songs, with a completely different concept from GIGI. Many experiments, with the support of computerized equipment. According to Thomas, shades of techno and ska are felt there.
Still with electronic sounds, Thomas was eager to make an opera. ''The music is orchestral, but with electronic sound, not with so many string players, for example. So, I'll play bass, but with synthesizers,''he said.
He was dreaming the city where he has served his childhood, Majalaya. Once, there, a lot of factories around the house. He remembered how the sounds of the engine factory, and he mengibaratkannya as a musical rhythm with a beat that's fun. Opera''recounts the industrial atmosphere filled with the sound of machinery, even until the building collapsed and so forth,''he said.
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